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Volmary Kaldenhof® Days 2024!



6-8 August 2024 (9:00 am - 5:00 pm)


Volmary GmbH
Kaldenhofer Weg 70
48155 Münster
Germany (Directions)

Highlights of the Volmary Kaldenhof® Days 2023

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From August 8 - 10, 2023, the Kaldenhof® Days 2023 took place at the Volmary Plant Breeding Center. Under the motto "Meet & Breed", professional gardeners were able to exchange ideas with Volmary sales representatives and plant professionals from the Kaldenhof about relevant topics in horticulture. Volmary novelties from the areas of bedding and balcony as well as fruit, vegetables and herbs were presented. The end consumer plant brand concept-Volmary®-was also presented. Guided tours of one of the largest trial fields in the industry and the tomato greenhouse were also on the agenda. Informative technical presentations by renowned speakers from Volmary as well as its customers and partners such as Multikraft® were listened to attentively by the participants.

We are already looking forward to 2024!

Program 2023

The highlights

After a turbulent year for the entire industry in 2022, the Kaldenhof® Days 2023 enjoyed a large number of visitors - despite changeable weather. And even if the weather was not ideal - especially the bedding and balcony plants brought color into the event with their beautiful flowers and convinced with the highest quality.

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The Kaldenhof® Days are always popular with all participants for professional exchange. In addition, the Volmary professionals answer specific questions and are happy to help with individual challenges - whether it's about concepts or plants.


In addition to one of the largest trial fields in the industry, visitors to the Kaldenhof® Days were also able to explore various booths and greenhouses, and discover Volmary novelties as well as classics for the 2024 season.


More photos from 2023

We look forward to seeing you at the Kaldenhof® Days!


Volmary GmbH

Kaldenhofer Weg 70

48155 Muenster, Germany

Tel. +49 251 27070 100

Kaldenhof Luftaufnahme 2022.jpg

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